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The "R" category is also aggregated by R-bloggers.
- recosystem: Recommender System Using Parallel Matrix Factorization
- RcppNumerical: Numerical integration and optimization with Rcpp
- Large scale eigenvalue decomposition and SVD with rARPACK
- An overview of linear algebra libraries in Scala/Java
- Introduction to dynamic document and knitr
- Using system fonts in R graphs
- Handwriting recognition using R
- Windows binary of RMySQL
- How to run regression on large datasets in R
- Creating Pretty Documents with the prettydoc Package
- recosystem: Recommender System Using Parallel Matrix Factorization
- RcppNumerical: Numerical integration and optimization with Rcpp
- Large scale eigenvalue decomposition and SVD with rARPACK
- Using showtext in knitr
- Introduction to dynamic document and knitr
- Using system fonts in R graphs
- A Conversation with Hadley Wickham
- Handwriting recognition using R
- Windows binary of RMySQL
- How to run regression on large datasets in R
- recosystem: Recommender System Using Parallel Matrix Factorization
- Large scale eigenvalue decomposition and SVD with rARPACK
- An overview of linear algebra libraries in Scala/Java
- A Conversation with Hadley Wickham
- Is Normal normal?
- Handwriting recognition using R
- How to run regression on large datasets in R